As seen at...
Marvelous Marysia's Circus Danger Show
30-45 minutes of nonstop stunts, skills and silliness!
Acrobatics, juggling, original comedy, breathtaking danger, and a fiery finale
Fun and appropriate for all ages
A perfect fit for renaissance faires, busking festivals, street fairs, and private events
All tech provided, no power needed, travels easily, and fits in any location
Guaranteed to draw a crowd anywhere!
About Marysia
Fifteen years of making audiences laugh, gasp and clap
Four different countries performed in
Three years of intensive training at the New England Center for Circus Arts
One amazing performer!
Learn more about Marysia at
2024 Touring Schedule
Acadiana Renaissance Faire, LA 1/5-2/4
Uppsala Events Spring Market, TX 4/6-4/28
Rentopia Renaissance Faire, AR 6/15-6/16
That Devil Music, OR 6/28-6/29
Centralia Fantasy Festival, WA 7/6-7/7
Canterbury Renaissance Faire, OR 7/20-7/28
Subdued Stringband Jamboree, WA 8/8-8/10
Arkansas Renaissance Festival, AK 8/30-9/29
Hot Springs Renaissance Faire, AR 11/2-11/3
Uppsala Events Yule Viking Festival, TX 12/7-12-22
Limited remaining availability in 2024; currently booking 2025 and beyond
12"x18" Circus Danger Show poster (art by Theresa Chiechi)
3" vinyl stickers ("I survived!" "Yeah!" and "Circus Danger Show")
Currently only available in person at shows
Ready to make your next event Marvelous? Reach out!
Booking inquiries:
Office hours:
Monday-Friday 10AM-3PM
Contact and Connect
Connect with me, and follow the adventure on social media